We were booked for 11am Saturday. When I got the message on Friday, sans any updated info on how the embryos were doing, I said to V. that the doctor must not have any retrievals scheduled and that we are likely the first transfer. From what I'd always noticed on the posted schedule behind the receptionist, he usually starts in the IVF suite at 11am after the morning monitoring is done. Boy was I wrong. :)
We needed to be down by 10:45am with a full bladder but V. wanted to make sure we were there early to ensure things got going on time (provided the Doc wasn't detained in the clinic). But every good intention gets derailed. We had planned on going out for breakfast first but in the end had to just settle for a fast McD's breakfast and the go down. We did reach at 10:45 but found a full house. There were two retrieval's I think, and at least one other transfer already waiting. But I found out that they've now got two rooms, so he's able to get through the procedures quicker as he doesn't need to wait for the room to be prepped for the next patient. In any case, when we arrived they had the ultrasound tech check me to see what state my bladder was in. I was deemed good...."don't pee, don't drink". So we waited. We'd brought the DS with us so V. played video games and I relaxed and dosed off. The doctor came around about 90 minutes after we got there and did a retrieval first. Some time after noon they moved us into one of the procedure rooms. My bladder was checked and even though I felt okay then, I was told to pee one styrofoam cup's worth. I'm glad she did because I think it was still at least another half hour before he got in to do our transfer. I think he actually came in about 12:50 because I was done and back in my cubby relaxing by 1:15 with instructions to rest for 10-15 minutes and then empty my bladder.....slowly. I was okay so I actually waited almost a half hour for good measure.
We had 9 "beautiful 9 and 10 cell, grade A embryos" and there were five more slower ones that they were going to let go to blast before freezing. That meant that all 14 were still going strong! So, he asked us how many we wanted to transfer, two or three. Now, I'd been thinking about three but I didn't think he'd do it because the donor is 24 and there've been good results with her other couples and herself. Plus he's never mentioned transferring three before. However, he was willing to transfer three provided we would agree to reduce if there were triplets. He is adamant that he doesn't want me carrying three (scary thought that) but he did say it increased the chances of twins. V and I had a quick chat and he was okay with agreeing and I've now got three embryos on board.
As much as I would have liked to have just gone home and put my feet up for the rest of the weekend, we've actually got a somewhat busy two days. However, we've had a baby shower in the afternoon and then there is the Earth,Wind & Fire concert this evening. The shower I figured I could handle but I passed on the concert so V. was headed up there with his sister and cousins. Sunday has us relaxing for part of the day with a bbq at some friends for the late afternoon/evening. That should be fine as well. I just want to take it easy. Once we got home I was able to stay off my feet and actually took a nap until it was time to head out.
So without further ado, meet Huey, Dewey and Louie.... This time we remembered to bring the camera in to get a shot of the screen when they show us the embryos.
Now for the 2ww....hopefully it won't be too stressful.
Good luck, Pam and V!!!!!!
THREE? Oh lord, would you understand if I am hoping you only get one implanting? I-yi-yi
holy moly! good luck! them three look like fast friends!
Good luck!
Good luck!
Three on board - wowza! Here's hoping for a quick 2ww for you and V! What fantastic lab results with all those embryos!!
I hope this goes really well for you guys. It's going to be a looong two weeks. Hang in there. :)
Wow! I was away and I just got caught up. This is so great! I hope the time goes quickly for you.
Good luck! They are beautiful!
Great report on the embryos!
Good luck!
My dear wife seemed to have left out some details. First, while she thought we would be first and the doctor would be reasonably on time, my experiences going down there said negative to both. So, I insisted we get something to eat so that we were not languishing in hunger. As for the concert, it was absolutly fabulous but VERY good thing she did not go as it was the loudest one we have been to at Rama, very clear and excellent set sound AND my sister's connections had use center, fourth row on the floors so it was like giant headphones. Pam also failed to mention that I called her as soon as they started September so she could at least be there a little bit. Sunday was a little slower as we went by friends we soon realized after we got there that we had not seen in almost a year; evidenced by the now walking youngest and very much expanded vocabulary of the oldest (not to mention the extensive renovations to the house itself). We don't want that much time to pass again but time is so short with all that swirls around us. We'll try hard though. Famine, you all are next. :)
And finally, with regards to the transfer itself, I am very much encouraged over all, still trust in fate aligning things in our favour for a change and just over all, more optimistic in general. It was not an easy choice with regards to how many to transfer but I wanted the best chance right out of the gate. I still HATE the term "reduction" by the way, but I understand things better.
Thank you all for your wishes, prayers and positive thoughts. As I recover over the next couple of days, I will be able to start taking care of Pam more instead of her current Nurse Hatchett role on me. :)
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