I've been taking a series of cake decorating classes over the last couple of months, and will be continuing this summer and fall. You've seen the results of the first class, with the clowns and the flowers. And then I did the cookie class which resulted in the baseball cookies. This month I did a fondant and gum paste course. This was a new are in the baking world for me having never worked with either. We learned how to make some flowers, how to cover a cake with fondant, and some other things. Until the final week there really wasn't anything worth showing to others. However, this pass Wednesday was the final class of this course, and below are pictures of what I made.
The cake is a triple layer, lemon pound cake filled with lemon curd and iced with a buttercream icing. There is a layer of white fondant over it, and the cake sits on a board covered with pink and white marblized fondant. The carnations are pink and white and made from gumpaste, and the ribbons and border are made with a pink fondant/gum paste mix. I wasn't sure at first, but I think it turned out pretty good for a first effort.

Up Next for July: Tiered Cakes. This will be interesting as I've never made anything like that before. But I'm definitely looking forward to it.
What are bringing to class for Show & Tell today?