
Sunday, March 09, 2008


Today V. gave me the PIO shot. As I said yesterday I want him to do them so he's more involved but also because it's just plain damn awkward to twist around to give myself the shot. It's do-able but with the thicker castor oil, it's much harder to push down the plunger.

Anyway, I went and prepped the syringe this morning after looking at the clock and thought "holy shit, gotta do this before it gets too late". This time I warmed the vial a bit in the hopes of making it a bit easier. Not sure if it made a difference. Even filling the syringe took longer than last cycle. So I brought it, showed V. where it was to go, swabbed the area and was answering a question when he just did it. I really didn't feel it which was great. So if the next 12 weeks go exactly like today I'll be very happy.


Anonymous said...

All I have heard about PIO, I am SO GLAD I haven't had to do it. Scares the crap out of me! Glad V could help!

Mums_the_word said...

Hi... just stumbled across your blog. It looks like I'm just a few days behind you and I have the joy of PIO in Castor oil this time, too. Thought I'd ask... I was told it's "thicker" than the sesame oil, but how much thicker, really? My guy's useless with needles, so I'm trying to figure out how much more of a pretzel I need to be this time around! ;)

Best of luck with happy news in 2 weeks time! :)

Oh... and can I link your blog in mine?

Pam said...

Baby Step - it's really not that bad. I know there are some horror stories out there.

Mums - The PIO is a fair bit thicker. It takes longer to fill the syringe. This morning it seemed to drip in slowly to fill. And it takes more force or control to depress the plunger. I found it awkward but do-able when I did the first one. Go ahead and link to my blog. I'll add you on mine too. :)

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Glad the first shot went well. And I am wishing you so much luck tomorrow. Thinking very very good thoughts all day for you two--as well as the frozen two :-)

Pamela T. said...

Saw the latest on your FET from Mel's L&F -- just came by to send my best. Pamela Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Good luck! D. is giving me a PIO shot tomorrow and he appears to be dreading it. : )

Pam said...

Mel & Pamela Jeanne - thanks! :)

Ellen - Thanks. Tell D. not to worry. As long as he just does it and doesn't hesitate you both will be fine. V. just went for it.

luna said...

hi, I came over from L&F. Best of luck with your FET! I'll be thinking of you and sending you all the best. (MY FET is next week too!) ~luna

Me said...

Good luck!

Dtrini said...

Thanks to all of you. We are positive and hoping for the best. Your good thoughts will go in with us.


Mums_the_word said...

Best of luck with your transfer!! :)