
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Two week wait

So, I'm on the first day of the 2ww and I'm already obsessing.....I know silly. Beta day is March 25th.

So, I've been on the PIO for five days now and I don't seem to have any symptoms. My boobs don't hurt yet and they definitely did last time, but I don't remember how long that took to show up. I'm sort of tired but then, I'm always tired. I'm kind of crampy but that's probably because of the FET yesterday. This is going to be a long two weeks.

What are anyone's thoughts on pineapple? I had forgotten about it until today so don't have any in the house. As you can see from V's last post, I've stayed off my feet and taken advantage of him. I'm back to work tomorrow so will definitely take it easy. So, if the word is that it's good to take (I did last cycle) I will pick some up on the way home tomorrow.

1 day down, 13 to go.


Anonymous said...

My beta is on the 20th...the day of my ET I went to the acupuncturist and she said, "Lots of fresh pineapple". Then later that day, my friend told me "Lots of pineapple juice". I went and bought some fresh cut up pineapple and ate some that day, but haven't since...supposedly it is good for implantation?

Mums_the_word said...

Is it good for implantation? Can't hurt... if nothing else, it'll help with that wonderful side effect of PIO... constipation. Blech. The things we do...

LadyofAvalon56 said...

As mums_the_word says, as long as it can't hurt, go for it.

I feel for you when it comes to the 2ww. I could tell you to try not to think about it, but I know exactly how dumb that statement is. Here's hoping for a quick 13 sleeps!

wizdom said...

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa team!

Aristotle or Caesar....

lets just say don't send them to school in Malvern

Kami said...

Can I participate in the obsessing? When are you going to POAS? ;)

I no longer have much faith in alternative medicine, but I still feel like it can't hurt so I say enjoy some pineapple.