
Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's a new year....and it's CD2

So it's a new year and we've all given (and received) the requisite good wishes to friends and family. Although we mean everything we say, that we hope they have health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year, I think the wishes that come from our friends in the computer, and those people IRL who know what we're going through, may mean the most to some of us. That's not to diminish the well wishes of those who do not know. But when the only thing you want is to have a baby in your arms by next Christmas, only those floating on that vast ocean in that boat with you, will fervently wish for you (and themselves) that that desire if fulfilled.

So, from V. and I, we truly hope that for all of you, your dreams are fulfilled and you have that addition to your family whether it be through IUI, IVF, DI, DE or adoption. Plus we wish you health, happiness and prosperity. :)

So, it's CD2 for me. What's that mean? Nothing much right now except that with my next cycle we hope to do the FET if we've got the funds in place. V. says we will, so that's the plan. If you're wondering why we aren't doing it this cycle, I've got one more trip for work from Jan 11-16 when I'll be in Cor.ona, Cali.fornia. (Anyone in the area want to meet?). We wanted to make sure all my traveling was done, and I was stress-free, or reasonably stress-free. I think there was just too much going on with the work trips, and some major stress on the home front (not with V. and I) that affected the last cycle. So, we're going to make sure everything is done and I've got as little as possible going on to stress me out.

So with that all said, I hope everyone has a great week!!


Anonymous said...

I have been thinking so much about you two over the last few days. I just love guys and I hope for the very best news for you in 2008. You both have such a warm and up-beat spirit, I get that from you even though it is via blog. GIANT hugs to you both! Daisy

Anonymous said...

It is so true about those who wish us well in 2008. I feel exactly the same way. Of course I appreciate the "generic" wishes, the ones that know what we have been through this year really mean a lot. Like my friend gave me a necklace in a little box that said, "Believe" and it brought tears to my eyes.

Drowned Girl said...

I really am wishing you well in 2008


thrice said...

I do hope that this cycle works for you. All the best!!!