
Monday, October 15, 2007

Donor Update

So, I wasn't going to email the agency (since she had yet to reply to my last emails), but I figured I could probably get the information about the donor's protocol I wanted. So I emailed and got a reply within 15 minutes!

She started lupron last Saturday and is set to start gonal-f twelve days before her estimated retrieval date of November 7th.

So if course I start looking at the calendar and counting days and start stressing because the timing just seems off to me, not that I'm an expert.

By my calculations:

Lupron start October 13
Gonal-f start October 26
This means she's on lupron for 13 days where everything I've read says 7-10 days. Has anyone been on lupron for this long?

For me, I'm currently on day 3 of the birth control package. I'm to take it for a total of thirteen days which makes it October 25th. At that point, I wait for my period (which takes 4 days on the pill) and on CD2, go back to the clinic. That puts me back at the clinic on October 31st. At that time, they put me on estrace. (He is not going to be putting me on lupron.) But from all my reading, I should be on estrace for about 10-11 days which essentially is the same timing period as the donor is on gonal-f. Well, if she starts stims on October 26, and I'm not going to be starting estrace until October 31, something seems amiss. I know that when she gets her HCG shot, the amount of estrace I take would be decreased and I'd start taking progesterone

Plus, what if her retrieval date is moved up because they start her stims earlier than the 26th or she reaches maturity ealier, then what?

So of course, I called my nurse but I knew she wouldn't be there. Left her a somewhat rambling message and then told her I'd follow up with an email. I send her a fairly detailed email with the dates and my concerns. I hope to hear from her either by phone or email tomorrow. Will update when I find out.

But the donor has started lupron!

I spoke with the nurse this morning. She checked out the dates and said we should still be okay with the current protocol, but she did say to take the pill for one day less. So I'll be taking it for twelve days, then stopping, getting my period and going in on CD2 which is October 30th. Oh, and she did say the other recipient is on a similar protocol.


Anonymous said...

I am going on Lupron for 9 days. I guess it may all depend upon how she have to take all the estimates with a grain of salt. I know it is hard (I am a planner too), but going with the flow is a necessary evil with IVF!

Anonymous said...

Glad that your donor started her meds! The timeline sounds a little off to me, too. I hope your clinic responds and gets everything straight -- better to question it now that later. Good luck!

Kami said...

I'm happy to hear things are moving along. I would be doing the same thing and double checking the schedule. People make mistakes and no one cares as much about this cycle as you do.

thrice said...

Get over to You will need to register, but it is free. They have a whole donor board. I think you will have women over there that will be more able to answer your questions.

Pam said...

Thanks Thrice. I actually have been on that site but not for while. I'll have to go back and check.

LadyofAvalon56 said...

You're next! You're next!

I am SO excited!!!!!