This is the inside of my Aunt's sukkah.
Also inside the sukkah, but a view of the etrog and the lulav.
This one is for Cali. The leaves have changed colour, the weather has cooled off and the leaves are blanketing the ground in some areas.
This is my new GPS that V got me for my birthday. You'll notice it says Knight.Rider on it. This is my KI.TT just like on the tv show and it talks just like the car. It's sooooo cool.
This is a sample of V's toy collection.
This gargoyle was a gift from a good friend to V on his 40th birthday this year.
Very cool. I love the gargoyle and the GPS that talks like KITT!
I just love these insights into everyone's lives! Those leaves are just beautiful - and I love the gargoyle!
I can't believe I made the BLOG!!!
I've always had a soft spot for gargoyles - they were all over the roof of the old building that housed the Teacher's College at my university.
My GPS sounds more like a Dalek.
Thanks for the tour!
Wow! I think you get points for randomness.
I LOVE the toy collection.
That would be cool to have GPS that talks like KITT!
The leaves are so pretty this time of year.
What a gorgeous sukkah!
I love the Kitt, that's awesome!
I'm late with the tour, but thanks for the peek inside your life! The leaves are SO pretty!
Love the gargoyle!
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