
Monday, July 21, 2008

Next step

We've moved on to the good part!!! :)

I stopped the birth control pill on the 14th, last Monday, and spent the week willing my period to start so I'd be able to go in on the weekend. The last two cycles it's taken about 4 days. This time it took 5 days and CD1 was Saturday. So, I was into the clinic yesterday. I got in before 9 and I did the usual bloods and ultrasound and waited to see the doctor. Surprisingly, my doctor actually had the day off and I saw the new doctor, Dr. B., who has been working with him and covering when he's been tied up or late. She even said that this was the first day off she knew him to have taken since she started in September.

I brought her up to date that I was a recipient of an egg donor and therefore not the one that was moving onto the stims. She then thought it a good idea to flip through the chart a bit. ;) In any case, I also told her what we did the last cycle with all the different meds and she figured that my doctor probably would continue in that vein and prescribed the same drug cocktail for me. So I am now on:

folic acid - one tab daily (was already taking this)
low dose (81mg) baby aspirin - one tab daily
Estrace, orally - 4mg, three times daily
Prednisone - one tab daily

And, since I know I should be taking a multi-vitamin I've added a prenatal (since I had them on hand) into the mix as well.

I'm due back at the clinic in 10 days which is July 29th for a lining check and we'll see where the donor is at that point.

As of yesterday there was nothing on file that she'd gotten her CD1 yet and returned to the clinic. She should be in this week as well (sooner rather than later I hope) and they'll get her started on her meds but I will be contacting the donor coordinator, M., to get an update later this week. She wasn't in this weekend either.

Anyway, that's it for now.


Syrlinus said...

Fingers and toes crossed :)

Dtrini said...

Thanks much. You can relax now as that gets really uncomfortable after a while and is bad for circulation. Hope to see you next month. ;)

Anonymous said...

I have everything crossed for you as well.