Thank you to those who sent V. their good wishes. Although I've told him about the comments, I think he's been too busy to even go up and respond. So, I am thanking you on his behalf, and now I can tell you about the surprise(s) I managed to pull off. :)
As I mentioned we were going out for dinner and to shoot pool with friends. This was not a surprise so he knew all about it. We went to a local restaurant that we'd never been to but has very good food. I'd gotten 8 of our friends to join us for dinner. We were sitting at the table (he was against the wall facing out) waiting for the last couple to show up. I hadn't told him that our friend's wife was unable to join us, but in her place he was bringing his 17 year old daughter who was in town from Calgary. We don't often get to see her so it was a big surprise for him. Point scored for Pam!!
After dinner we went downstairs to the bar to shoot pool. We had two tables and were playing in teams. I was teamed with BB but we were having a very off night (I suck normally, but she doesn't). I had arranged with his brother in Ottawa to come in and surprise him, so all evening I'm getting updates about his whereabouts en route. Once he'd dropped the family off out our place, my BIL arrived, around 1am. We had stopped playing by this time, and were just chatting and drinking (well they were, I was DD). V. was sitting on a stool with his back to the bar entrance so rather than go up and get him, I was able to send the message to just come down. I then went over to get him. I wish I had a camera because the look on V's face was priceless when I tapped him on the shoulder and got him to turn around. It took a minute for him to register that his brother had driven in to surprise him. It was great! Score another point for me!!!
The rest of the evening was spent chatting, going off to a club to catch some music and people watching. We were back home by about 3pm. I left the boys playing with a new "toy" that BIL had brought him and drinking rum.
All in all, I think V. had a great birthday.
As for the party for my FIL, that was this past weekend on May 24th. I had taken off the week from May 16th until the 26th in order to buy the necessary supplies for food, baking, appetizers, decorations, etc etc etc. I think I averaged about 3-4 hours of sleep a night until the party. We had about 140 people coming, and we were doing the food ourselves with the help of a family friend. The appetizers were purchased, and the desserts were essentially homemade. We had a couple of cakes from Costco as well as fruit trays. I had a friend make cheese cakes. I made two Trinidad black cakes. One was cut up into small pieces to give away (like a wedding), and the other was cut up and distributed to family. We also had tons of cookies, squares and tarts that I made during the week. Baking really is my thing, although I am an accomplished cook. BIL handled the music, and V. had arranged Pan group to play for the first three hours. The group was comprised of a keyboard, bass and steel drum. They were excellent and a big hit that night. Our "caterer" did all of the cooking at our house of Friday and Saturday so we were "sampling" the food all evening. :) Most importantly though, was that my FIL had a great time. He was able to reconnect with family and friends he's not seen recently, as well as some he's not seen since his days in the Trinidad Coast Guard. It was a busy night, but well worth it. I was supposed to go back to work on Monday, but I've been so tired, I've taken the last two days to recover. I'm back at the office tomorrow.
I'll leave you with the cake that I baked, but was decorated by a very close family friend.

Wow - my head is spinning thinking about all that food. How sweet of you to do all of that for your FIL.
Back to back weekends of love, fun, friends and family. It was a great time at both and very satisfying. My extreme gratitude to all the friends and family that helped make my father's day something extra special. But, to my wife, something extra as neither of the two events would have happened without all her hard work and dedication to family. I love her so much and I thank the Lord (or another prophet of her choosing) for her.
Oh my gosh! I am in awe of the events you planned and pulled off. Although baking is my thing too, I doubt I would have gotten further than a cake. Wow!
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